These 2 devices act as 2 different devices. You could open new browser tab and fill the same chat Information and you would see the same. the chat messages synchronized across these devices.
Chat Information
Connecting Socket
Connecting Socket
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What better way to spend your free time than tinkering around and bringing cool ideas to life? Whether it's crafting a new app, building a nifty website, or even just dabbling with some DIY projects, there's something incredibly satisfying about creating stuff from scratch
Chat Mock App
Realtime chat application using MQTT socket connection
3D Solar System
3D interactive view of solar system introduction
Url Shortener
🛠️ On Development 🛠️
Wedding Invitation
🛠️ On Development 🛠️
SIMRS - Vue Nuxt
🛠️ On Development 🛠️
3D Portfolio
🛠️ On Development 🛠️
Data Streaming
🛠️ On Development 🛠️
Coming Soon
💡 Waiting for Ideas 💡